In honour of Autism Acceptance Month, here are six phrases to stop using when it comes to autism and autistic people.
1. Functioning Labels
The majority of autistic people find functioning labels offensive because it’s usually how someone with a stereotypical idea of autism sees us. Autism is not a linear spectrum, and functioing labels are at best inaccurate and worst offensive. You’d also get annoyed if people asked you what type of non-autistic you were. (See below.)
2. You don't look Autistic.
Representations in the media are often inaccurate and offensive. In saying this you are projecting your idea of autism onto me. There are an estimated 7 million people with autism in the UK alone, it would be a bit odd if we all looked the same.
Also, what does Autism look like?
3. Special Ability
I'm not magic. Wish I was, do you know how awesome that would be. But I’m not.
I’m not ‘special’, I’m autistic. Autism and
Autistic are not bad words, you can say them.
4. We're all a little Autistic.
No. No. No.
Autism is a neurological condition that effects how a brain is wired. You can't be a little autistic. All this phrase does is let me know that all you know about autism probably comes from stereotypical ideas about what autism is. It's also usually accompanied by something invalidating.
understand that its usually said to connect and make me feel better, but it
doesn’t.There are other ways to connect with me. Try them.
5. Do you want a cure?
No. I like
who I am. To ‘cure’ me you’d have to re-wire my brain. Meaning that I
wouldn’t be me. And I like me.
6. Aspergers
It has not been a medical term since 2013 and was removed due to it no longer being an accurate term for those with autism spectrum disorder. Just use the word autistic.
Also, Hans Asperger was a Nazi and public supporter of eugenics, and actively participated with the Nazi’s child ‘euthanasia’ program.
It is up to the individual autistic person in how we wish to describe our autism.
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