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The Suicide Squad Review

While I prefer DC, they have not had the greatest track record for their films. But sometimes they produce absolutely fantastic films, such as Birds of Prey, or the latest The Suicide Squad. This review does contain spoilers. Overall, the film was a great improvement on the last Suicide Squad, managing to toe the line between ridiculous and stupid. Gunn’s move of choosing lesser-known characters was a clever move that allowed the film to be something of a blank slate for audiences. There are plenty of stand out moments from the film, from Harley showing off her acrobatics, a flood of rats, and everything that King Shark did.

The latter of which is a character that should not work but the man-eating shark managed to bring a sense of lightness to the film, breaking up some of the films more dramatic moments. I was in stitches watching him, and his growth across the film gave him an emotional depth I did not imagine a shark could have. His friendship with Ratcatcher 2 was a particular highlight of the film. The emotional glue that held the film together, she brought out the decency if not goodness in the other characters. The youngest member of the team, her backstory gives her an aura of sadness. Alongside, Polka-Dot Man, Ratcatcher's ability is strange, but they fit perfectly into the team and handle the ridiculous nature of the storyline

This is a film whose characters make the story and as it shifts its focus between the suicide squad, each character stands on their own while creating a brilliant team. Villain’s like Polka-Dot Man can look like an odd choice but has some of the funniest moments and whose end feels bittersweet. Bloodsport and Peacemaker have a hilarious rivalry and their arcs throughout the film summed up their characters and flaws. 

The delightful return of Harley brought made the film just that bit more fabulous. Continuing her arch from Birds of Prey, in this suicide squad, she is treated with respect rather than a sex object, as in the last film. Once again Robbie demonstrates why she is a perfect Harley Quinn. Her friendship with Flag and the little moments scattered throughout the film is delightful and a highlight of the film. 

Gunn’s style is one that suits the comic film genre, handling the more serious elements with the wacky nature of his characters. Considering that the villain is a giant starfish, the film never comes across as stupid. Which villains the next film brings in will be exciting to see, but if it is as good as this then I cannot wait.


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