There is a special place for Homer in my heart. Greek mythology has always been a special interest of mine and his writing is so visual. In my second year at Brighton in the Creative Writing module, I decided to try writing a homeric style poem. This was my attempt. Probably my favourite creative piece for my undergraduate.
Sing muses of an unlawful love enduring,
The tale of Great-Hearted Camillo’s righteous anger,
Of Lion-Hearted Cassandra’s untold love,
Of Swift-Spoken Hylas foolish silence.
Whisper into mine ear, sweet-voiced Goddess
What offended the Swift-Footed Hermes,
To lead Kind Camillo to that lovers sight and awaken
A hidden anger upon those that dishonoured
The Immortal Guides kindred.
That Great-hearted Camillo did hide,
Against walls amongst shadows and spied,
A cunning royal mistress creating mischief.
Ideally sat by iron-barred cell. Acts rough,
Jailor to the kingdoms kingly prisoner.
For Lion-hearted Katherine, though Princess,
Had been hit by Cupid’s arrow. Dreamless
In an Aphrodisiac lust. A sweet-embered
Dream, that held her prisoner in this chamber,
With such sweet-smiles, loud laughter,
Gentle kisses, comforting arms. Lust crafting
Echoes of a memory that would lead,
To tears, anguished cries for her dead,
Love. And a pain no earthly doctor,
Could heal. Lion-hearted girl mocked,
In future nights by the sweet-embraces.
Which now Great-Hearted Camillo did spy.
This love he saw would cause an outcry.
For Lion-Hearted Katherine was in lust,
With enemy of the kingdom. No trust,
Or love did he hold with her people. Was
Called traitor to his own kingdom. No laws,
Would free this kingly prisoner with lost
Name. Sweet-Spoken Hal a Queen had crossed,
Whose fierce temper rivalled that of Ares.
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