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Going to the Theatre Alone

Most of my theatre trips are solo trips. It started with the National Theatre's production of Macbeth in June 2018. Since then I've been to the theatre sixteen times on my own. I love going with other people but that's not always possible. In all honesty I kinda perfer it this way, for three simple reasons.

1. Being completly in charge -
                                                 I like to know what I'm doing every second of the day. So, being able to have complete control over what I'm doing and when, without having to check in with someone is incredibly freeing. Going to the theatre becomes a day out in London, exploring the parts of the city that I know well and discovering new places. It becomes a larger memory.

2. It's peaceful -                           
                            In a strange way going to the theatre alone is peaceful. I like being alone and spending a day to myself. It gives me a chance to recharge and disconnect from whatever is stressing me out at that point in time. When I go to the theatre its one of the few things that I can fully focus on one thing. When I go alone, I’m focusing on what’s happening onstage. I can immerseve myself in the play, its history and characters. Theatre offers an escapism I've never found anywhere else. 

3. Cheap Tickets -
                                Most theatres nowdays will do tickets from £5 upwards, and while train tickets still cost a bit, going to the theatre no longer has to be an expensive past time. This has opened up the opportunity to see the shows that I want to, while exploring shows that intrigue me but I'm unsure about. Through cheaper tickets I have disovered some of my favourite productions and found plays that I adore.

There are some negatives. I mean there's no one to discuss and disect the show with. Jotting notes in a notebook isn't the same as talking with someone. I chonoical my life through the shows I've seen and being able to do that with other people is nice.

Will I ever stop going to the theatre alone? No. I'm a creature of solitude in many ways and I like my own company.


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