So, I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who recently and decided to rank my favourite Doctor's. As a show Doctor Who is something that I used to stay up to four in the morning watching because it gave me the escapism I needed. It taught me about myself and the world. It made me laugh and introduced me to characters and stories that would inspire me to create my own. I've always been more into the Classic series, which is reflected in this ranking. SECOND The Second Doctor was the Doctor that I was first drawn to because of his carefree and jolly nature. This was the Doctor that I would stay up till four o'clock, praying that the morning would never come. He was silly. He was interested in everything around him. He was himself. There's a bravery in this. It's something he taught me. When I felt alone, he was there to pull me into adventures against Cybermen, Yeti's and, Omega. There was nothing that this Doctor would not face. With his companions, recorder, an...
Infodumping about TV, theatre, and literature, stuff...