Both the infinity symbol and the puzzle piece have been used as a symbol for the Autistic community, and yet represent very different attitudes towards Autism. The puzzle piece was first used in the UK in 1963 by the Autism Society, (although they no longer use this image), chosen and designed by non-autistic people. The original puzzle piece included a weeping child to show how autistic people apparently suffered from their conditions and to reflect how autism was seen as puzzling. It represents the idea that autistic people have missing pieces, are puzzles to be solved, and that autism is a childish disability. Each of which is a harmful stereotype. Nowadays the puzzle piece is associated with Autism Speaks, which is seen as a hate group by the majority of autistic people. Autism Speaks has yet to show that it has autistic peoples interests in mind, rather than promoting cures and harmful stereotypes about autism, among many other harmful things. Whereas, the ...
Infodumping about TV, theatre, and literature, stuff...