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Showing posts from July, 2020

Shakespeare Plays Ranked

I like Shakespeare. More than I like most things. But even within Shakespeare, there are plays that I am not too fond of and those that I love more than others. These are my top five. 1. Henry VIII An odd choice for my favourite Shakespeare play, it's one I came to only two years ago. It combines the policital drama with the personal turmoil of Henry's love life. Shakespeare creates an intriguing plot, both light-hearted in its humour and deeply entrenched in its opinion. While set on its religious position from the opening lines, Henry VIII still gives all its characters their dues. Henry VIII intrigues me because of the dynamics between characters, and the love story is a sub-plot. 2. The Tempest The Tempest was the first Shakespeare play that I ever studied. Then I found the magic the most intriguing element, but over time my focus has drifted to the character relationship, particularly the familiar ones. An open-ended play gives a lot of leeways for the audience to fill in ...